416 South Morgan St, Granbury, Texas 76048

Posts filed under: Trauma

Loss of a loved one, be it family, friend, or pet, is one of life’s most difficult experiences. Accepting and adapting is a process of incremental changes. Realization of who is left, (loved ones still there, and sometimes those added after...
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Loss of a loved one, be it family, friend, or pet, is one of life’s most difficult experiences. Accepting and adapting is a process of incremental changes. Realization of who is left, (loved ones still there, and sometimes those added after...
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Oftentimes, when people think of PTSD they relate it to war time experiences, domestic violence, rape, natural disasters, being the victim of child abuse, or other severely traumatic circumstances. However, this is not always the case. PTSD can be developed...
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Normally one part of the brain communicates with other parts through a network of chemical connections relayed by neurotransmitters. Communication is almost instantaneous between the billions of cells in the brain. However, that level of connection is impaired during and...
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Doctors often see patients presenting with physical ailments affecting the nervous systems that are not associated with any true injury or illness. These ailments arise from the embodiment of intense psychological distress and can range from epileptic-like seizures where there...
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Sometimes there is not an obvious, stand-alone cause of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).  An accumulation of small “t” traumas can also result in PTSD such witnessing an accident or domestic violence, having an illness with a long recovery time, experiencing...
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Our three brains perform different functions while continuously working simultaneously, exchanging messages between each other, other parts of the brain, and the body. Most of this communication is beyond our awareness on a subconscious level. This is one reason why...
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