416 South Morgan St, Granbury, Texas 76048
Our three brains perform different functions while continuously working simultaneously, exchanging messages between each other, other parts of the brain, and the body. Most of this communication is beyond our awareness on a subconscious level. This is one reason why...
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There are multiple ways to conceptualize an idea. Richard C. Schwartz introduced  his conceptualization of how the human psyche organizes oitself in his book Internal Family Systems in 1995 which is still relevant today. He said the human mind is...
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The only moment we ever truly have is now . . . this moment. In response to life stressors, difficult memories and other triggers, our mind shifts awareness to outside the present moment into rehearsing future expectations, most of which...
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What to expect in Natural Processing Therapy. Natural processing is a form of EMDR therapy developed by Craig Penner who is both a Somatic and EMDR therapist. What makes it different that traditional EMDR therapy is the enhanced focus on...
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What to expect in EMDR therapy. Eye Movement Desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is a bottom-up therapy rather than top-down. This means that EMDR therapy works more with the subconscious, nervous system and body rather than exclusively with the pre-frontal cortex...
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There is no one right way to live a life. There are no mistakes, only life experiences through which we learn and grow if we allow ourselves to look at our actions or reactions, understand how they affected our life,...
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